It is often recommended to incorporate a compound movement with the abdominal work with a particular emphasis on the lateral movements.
A full-body strengthening with the correct emphasis on the lower-body will have a great impact on upper-body power as well. When incorporating this into the training, make sure to balance the work. Don't go heavy on the lower-body with the chest, since it has a higher percentage of fat, and the upper-body needs a balance.
Don't include all these movements into the same training session; do the chest first, and then go through the lower-body strength work. If a full-body strength session is to happen on any given day, then do the chest the evening prior to doing the lower-body work especially when training with the jumprope. This way, you are building strength in what is being worked on. Muscles are the things that hold you down. When you're not in good shape, you feel weak and weak muscles. The muscle that holds you down is your back.
How we hold our bodies up determines how strong we are. We all have weak muscles in our upper body and strong ones in the lower-body, but as we work on them, we will begin to strengthen the muscles that hold us up. You have to have a visual understanding of how the body works and why we see things in relation to one another. This allows us to truly understand the importance of the upper and lower-body.